Here is the link to (WM)² YouTube channel where the records of the event appear.
July 1 2022
On line
Welcome to (WM)²
Opening by Carolina Araujo, chair of (WM)² 2018
Plenary lectures
Introduced by Cheryl Praeger, chair of the (WM)² scientific committee, moderators Kaie Kubjas and Julia Pevtsova
Girls and Mathematics: reflections and initiatives
in the memory of Yulia Zdanovska
Moderators Ekin Ozman and Olga Paris-Romaskevich
Luba Konova Sofia University, Bulgaria
Geetha Venkataraman Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi ,India
Fadipe-Joseph Olubunmi Abidemi University of Ilorin, Nigeria
Kenneth Fan Girls' Angle, USA
Makiko Sasada The University of Tokyo, Japan
Laura Gomez Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Colombia
July 2 2022
OAL celebration, live from Helsinki and on line
Joint session of the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics and the Probability and Mathematical Physics (PMP) conference, taking place in Amphiteatre Porthania I in the Porthania building of the University of Helsinki.
Opening by Marie-Françoise Roy chair of CWM and Antti Kupiainen chair of PMP
Presentation of the OAL Prize by Ingrid Daubechies,
Proclamation of the OAL Prize Winner

Lecture by the Prize Winner
Closing of OAL Celebration
Closing of (WM)²